Price Tractor PullCome down to the Price Town Oval, Parnell Tce, Price, Yorke Peninsula and enjoy the Price Tractor Pull on Sunday the 7th of August 2022. I’ll be serving up my famous Seafood Tortillas with slaw and chipotle Mayo, Beer Battered Whiting, or Salt & Pepper Prawns: $15 each.
Vintage and Classic Car Muster – Price Town Oval Yorke Peninsula. Hosted by Price Progress Association as part of their 140th Anniversary celebrations.
As a public event, all historic cars, trucks, motorbikes and modern exotic cars from any car club are all welcome.
Entry is free for all vehicles and the general public. First come, first served for oval position and entry.
Other items of interest on the day include food vendors/refreshments, market stalls, vintage tractor pull, demonstration, steam engine display, wheatsheaf tossing competition, blacksmith demonstration, and live music.